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La danza es comunicación

En el vibrante universo de la danza, donde cada movimiento es una historia en sí mismo, la palabra se...

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La casa es el cuerpo

Vanessa Vargas Texto presentado en el Coloquio Latinoamericano de investigación de prácticas de...

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B>Podcast: 41 episodes in 2 years

Vanessa Costa How it all started The idea of creating a podcast for BIDE arose just before the...

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Escribir con el cuerpo o la persistencia de la creatividad

Vanessa Vargas Texto presentado en el Coloquio Latinoamericano de investigación de prácticas de...

Aimed at professionals in the performing arts


B>Podcast is the first contemporary dance podcast in Spain, with the aim of giving a voice to contemporary creation worldwide. Recorded in English, Spanish, and / or Catalan, depending on the guests, our team will engage in discussion with various artists and cultural agents from different cities and countries. It is aimed at professionals in the performing arts; both in the field of movement exploration and creation -professional dancers, dance students, choreographers, performers-, as well as cultural management - agents, promoters, managers.

Tells the story


A creative compilation of dancers' experiences during the B>Meeting, BIDE's most important global event. These experiences, recorded in more than 20 notebooks by 900 B>Meeting participants over the past 14 years, are now being recorded in audiobook format. The first audio book recorded is the "BIDE Logbook", which tells the story of what is recorded in the diary of the B>Meetings held in 2016 and 2017, in Barcelona.


Written by: Vanessa Costa
Edition and Mix: Sebastián García Ferro
Music: Maximiliano Borghetti y Sebastián García Ferro - The Perimetrals
Voice-over: Javiera Gazitua (ESP), Marcel Clement (CAT), Zoë Leigh Gadd (ENG)
Record: Sol de Sants Studio, Phonos Studio.

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